Green Wholesale Coffee Beans - What to look

Green Wholesale Coffee Beans - What to look

When choosing green beans for wholesale roasting there are certain factors to consider when it comes to quality of the bean. 

Visual Inspection:

  • Uniformity: Consistent size and color indicate proper processing and contribute to even roasting. Look for beans that are roughly the same size and free of defects like cracks, blemishes, or mold.
  • Color: A greenish-blue or grayish-green hue is ideal, signifying freshness and proper drying. Avoid beans that are overly yellow or brown, as this can indicate age or improper storage.


  • Freshness: High-quality green beans will emit a pleasant fragrance that hints at their inherent flavors. This could include fruity notes, chocolatey undertones, or floral hints. Avoid beans with a sour or stale smell, as this can translate to an unpleasant cup.
  • Density: Denser beans are generally of higher quality. They tend to roast more evenly and produce a more flavorful cup. Denser beans will feel heavier in your hand compared to lighter, lower-quality beans.

Other Factors:

  • Moisture Content: Ideally, green coffee beans should have a moisture content between 10-12%. This ensures proper storage and roasting for optimal flavor development. Beans with too much moisture can be susceptible to mold growth, while dry beans may roast unevenly and produce a lackluster cup.
  • Source and Processing: The origin and processing methods significantly impact green coffee bean quality. Researching different origins and processing techniques can help you find beans that align with your flavor preferences.

The Ultimate Test: Cupping

While these methods provide a good starting point, the ultimate test of green coffee bean quality is cupping. Cupping is a sensory evaluation process where roasted coffee is brewed and assessed for its aroma, flavor, acidity, body, and aftertaste. Through cupping, you can identify subtle flavor profiles and determine if the beans live up to their aromatic promise.

By combining these techniques, you'll be well on your way to selecting high-quality green coffee beans that deliver an exceptional and aromatic cup. Remember, the journey to a flavorful cup starts with the beans, so choose wisely!

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